Restricted Diets
Pioneer College Caterers labels many food items in the dining hall with ingredients. Students with questions about food items are invited to ask questions of the Pioneer staff.
Gluten-free: There is a gluten-free area that is readily available for students with gluten sensitivity or students who prefer to eat a gluten-free diet. The gluten-free area is NOT appropriate for students with celiac disease. Students with celiac disease are advised to request special meals to ensure that there is no cross-contamination.
Dairy-free: In addition to regular milk, almond milk and soy milk are also available to all students.
Special meals for food allergies and medical conditions: Requests for special meals because of food allergies, celiac disease, or other medical conditions can be made through Pioneer College Caterers by completing the application for special meals. Special meal requests require medical documentation from the physician who diagnosed the medical condition or food allergy. The medical documentation must include a current statement that confirms foods to be eliminated from the student’s diet. Documentation should be recent and no more than two years old.
Pioneer staff is trained in the food preparation process to prevent cross-contamination of foods when a student requires special meals. There is a separate area of the kitchen used just for this purpose.
Students who require special meals should make their request by submitting the application for special meals along with physician documentation
Application for Special MealsContact Information
(937) 766-7890